In June this year, the team at Redfield Resources attended the ADIA Sundowner, where our Managing Director, Andrei Sarpe discussed the challenges facing the Drilling Industry. Some areas that were covered include attracting new people to the industry, providing career pathways, training and development, retention and partnering with your suppliers.
That night there was also another presentation from a drilling industry professional from the Australian Drilling Institute, who talked about their program of running a VET course in schools across Queensland, a Certificate II in Drilling Operations. This course is aimed at providing young people with an introduction to the drilling industry so they can pursue meaningful careers, whilst also ensuring that the drilling industry introduces the next generation to the sector.
As a result of the ADIA function, the following week Redfield Resources received several resumes from young individuals who had participated in the course in Queensland, looking for opportunities as Driller Offsiders in Western Australia.
The resume of one particular person stood out, and as a result he was asked to come into our office for an interview. The gentleman interviewed very well and presented himself as a driven individual looking for an opportunity to learn and develop his skills in the drilling sector. He had gained a good understanding following the completion of his Cert II in Queensland and was now ready to pursue a long term career. Following his interview, we presented the gentleman’s details to a couple of our long term clients for review and consideration. Subsequently, he was offered an interview with one of Australia’s most renowned Drilling companies and was successful in gaining employment with them as a Diamond Drilling Offsider.
This is just one of the many success stories we see every day at Redfield Resources, helping the very best candidates find the very best opportunities for themselves in this ever expanding Industry. It is also rewarding to see the positive effect that the ADIA can have on its members and participants in the industry. We are always looking to build relationships and partnerships that allow us to support employment in Western Australia.
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